Happy New Year 2021

I got the action for happiness app last month, and this morning's action was to find 3 good things to look forward to this year.  I don't usually comment but I did today : walking & running (probably more walking!) 100 miles over January to raise money for our local Mind; celebrating family birthdays either in person or online; & knitting more socks to keep my feet warm in winter!

Christina from A Colourful Life reminded me yesterday that supermarkets usually have fresh yeast in them - I'd even seen it in Morrisons! But as I hadn't got round to getting any yet, I thought I'd better make bread to use some of the 16kg sack Elder Son bought from the farm shop... Used 2 tsp of sugar to 1 kg flour as well as salt, water & yeast, & proved it in the airing cupboard again, & it turned out well. 

I made some mittens for Middle Sister to match her coat and was trying to get a cowl finished while the bread was proving

not quite there before we took dog out for his afternoon walk & dropped her present off, so I'll have to take it round another time. 

I'd had a migraine yesterday so made sure to keep well hydrated today... 
With water, camomile tea and hot chocolate helping me knit! 

I really wasn't feeling motivated to run the dog this morning, even though I knew I needed to start off my 100 miles for local Mind.  But when I was drinking my morning coffee while dog ate his food, I read the newsletter from my running club, and found myself going upstairs, taking my inhaler and putting on my running gear! Did our morning route of 'round the new estate, along the industrial road & round the not-so-new estate to back home' but jeffing instead of walking. Then I got home to make porridge & discovered that Younger Son had used all the soya milk but not told me... Had toast instead. 

I was listening to A Fit and Fearless podcast about meditation and yoga while washing up between afternoon & evening dog walks.  It was so 2018! They said the best was to learn yoga is to go to a class and learn in front of a teacher, and that you could take a friend!  When I'd finished washing up, I sat on the sofa for the 5 minutes meditation at the end of the podcast. I thought about doing yoga but decided that vacuuming the floor and going upstairs to find my yoga mat was too much like hard work. So I did the sleepy dormouse pose instead - this is where you have a large dog curled up at one end of a 2-seater sofa, and you curl up at the other end, play relaxing music and doze for a while. 

Hey ho, need to do more washing up now.  Elder Son is furloughed, so cooked dinner while I walked his dog. 
Tofu, mushroom and pepper stir fry, yummy yummy yummy. 


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