Autumn gardening

Is more about planning than looking at what's here, I always think.  I remembered I wanted more than just yellow tulips, so got sunset skies for the back garden (which faces west) & pastel passion for the tub outside the front door (which faces east).  & more daffs, because they're always lovely. Sunset skies & half the pack of martinette broadcast along the lawn border. Pastel passion & the other half of martinette in the new big tub. 

It was so sunny on Wednesday that I sat in the garden & knitted for half an hour. 
Only half an hour, because despite the sunshine, it was chilly! Which is to be expected at the end of September. 
Photos carefully taken so you can't see the junk in the garden! I went to the dump this morning to get rid of Younger Son's old mattress, & hoped to get Elder Son's old bike he had when he was 11 (which I would have taken to the donation point there) & a chunk of car Elder Son got for a tiny piece he wanted for his car.  But they wouldn't have fit on the mattress, so that will have to wait for another day. Which is a bit annoying, as my plans for the garden involve less junk and more composters.  The compost daleks will have to stay in the alley way a bit longer (although I'm hoping to get Baby Sister to have at least 1 as she finds more garden under extreme overgrowth, & then she can put Guinea pig bedding in there, as we can't put it in our brown bins anymore). 
I'll need to remember to tidy this up for summer, as everything but the ivies are winter & spring plants. But it looks better than the tub I had there before, including actually having a saucer so the water doesn't just run off into the drains before doing any good. 

It was pouring with rain when I took the dog out this morning, & when I cleared & filled the car (what, doesn't everyone keep stuff in their car that has to be moved before going to the dump? Not even the shopping bags?), but had stopped when I took the stuff, & held off till I'd finished gardening. Now raining again, which is a sign to me to make another hot drink & relax for a while before doing the washing up 😉 


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