New Tea Towels (that's been sitting in starts since January...)

Ah, the excitement of my life! I was back at work today, having been unfurloughed, and had to go to the supermarket on the way home. Little bit grumpy about having to go to the supermarket, as Elder Son is meant to pay for the supermarket shopping while I pay for the rent, utilities, Council Tax...  He's really got lockdown blues at the moment. 

Anyway, pushing the trolley round to get 8 cartons of soya milk, 2 packs of tofu, a box of vegan sausages, vegan sausage rolls, 2 packs each baking marge & spreading marge, 2 boxes of cereal for Younger Son, anniversary card for my parents, soap refills, and some moisturiser for me, I succumbed to the impulse purchase when I saw a pretty pack of tea towels. I do actually need more tea towels, several of mine are developing a texture that would make them more useful as net curtains than drying up (wrapping scotch pancakes to keep them hot while cooking the rest of the batter, putting over the loaves of bread dough as they prove...).  These have deceptive packaging, with a couple of bits of card held in place with a handy reusable cotton tape - and a plastic barb & unused hook for hanging the packet concealed in the depths of the pack. And I forgot I'd got them until after starting the washing machine for a load they could have gone in. Ah well, they'll get washed another time.

I realised about 5 o'clock that I was feeling hungry and drained, and that a likely cause of this was the fact that I'd had a bowl of muesli at 8am, & nothing since.

I've been feeling... 'Oh, it's all just too much...' for a little while. Quite funny, I put in a repeat prescription for my preventer inhaler last week & also ticked the box for the anti-anxiety medication I've not taken in 2 years. (That's not the funny bit.) One of the other things I bought at the supermarket was a bottle of walnut oil. I find oil cleansing is very good for my skin, and try to vary the oil I buy in search of the perfect oil for me - which means it comes in a glass bottle, not a plastic one, which narrows the choice at the supermarket. And I was looking in the medicine box for some geranium essential oil to add a couple of drops to the oil, & saw a paper bag from the chemist that I got at the end of October and thought "Oh, a reliever inhaler, I should check the date on that".  My asthma is well enough managed at the moment that reliever inhalers expire rather than running out, which is a good thing but means I need to check the dates on them to make sure they'll actually work when needed.  Anyway, I opened the bag, and I'd actually got a packet of my anti-anxiety medication back then.  That will be when I asked the pharmacist to put in a repeat prescription for the preventer inhaler while picking 1 up, & I thought I'd asked for a reliever as well. Did I say the wrong medicine name, or did she tick the wrong box? Does it matter? (Well, yes, because I don't have the spare reliever I thought did. But other than that, no.) So that was the funny story. Hilarious, I know.

Talking of funny, I love to watch Bob Mortimer on 'Would I lie to you?'. So funny! I saw him live once, you know, ah yes, back in the days when Reeves and Mortimer toured the land. It's true, people used to go to theatres and sit close to people they didn't know and they wouldn't even wear masks! Crazy, crazy times.


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