August Bank Holiday

The dog is very happy at the moment - Younger Son's mattress is living in the living room (very medieval of us, very tiny house living - are we history bounding or being totally modern?) and doggie is loving having an extra bed for sleeping on. His downstairs bed is next to the mattress, so if he has to move, it's not too far. Or he could go to the sofa on the other side of the room.

The bed frame broke, and Younger Son said he couldn't get the stuff out from under the bed so we could get the bed frame downstairs & the mattress back upstairs - because it was dusty and he has asthma.  My response to that was coloured by me being the only person in the house who actually takes inhalers for their asthma...  But, of course, what it came down to was 'who wanted the stuff gone more?'... I threw a lot of the stuff away (I mean as much as could be recycled into the blue bin, old batteries into the battery recycling pot, etc) but there remains some stuff for him to decide if he wants it or if it will be donated.  

And I have to decide whether it's worth me finding a home for the 'toddler toys' box, given that Youngest Neice is now 8, Great Neice lives in a different town and the 'Big Boys' (Eldest Nephew and Elder Son, both 26 this year) are in no hurry to have children.
I could take the Noah's Ark bricks to church (I think they've been waiting for me to find the box lid to do that anyway) but they're what I have the least emotional attachment to.  The wooden cars represent searching car boot sales for suitable & affordable toys for baby Elder Son, and the animals represent a slightly better financial time, when I could buy him new toys from ELC.  (I shall not put a link here to them, that was in the days when they didn't do gendered toys, and more recently they've gone for 'cute pink plastic kitchens' and other toys aimed at creating a gender divide at a young age. So I've boycotted them.) I used to go take the 'Big Boys' to toddler group in the town centre and go past ELC after that on the way to get my sister from work as she only worked the morning on Tuesday, and then we'd go swimming together. And  sometimes I'd pop in with the boys and get another animal for the toybox.

So, emotionally I want to keep the cars and animals. And if I thought I would have grandchildren anytime soon that would want to play with them, I'd keep them. But. Do I find the houseroom to keep them, for potential children to play with (and find is relevant, I don't have a space ready for them as I've filled the space they used to occupy on the unit in the living room with other stuff)? Or do I let them go for other children to play with (and accept they may not be valued and cared for but that's okay)?

Do feel free to comment below if you have a suggestion, want to reminisce about your old toys or your children's old toys... 


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