
Progress on my March socks - Strawberry Milk by Mai Edelweiss - is slow but I've nearly finished sock 1
It's a combination of doing more hours at work (parents who wanted their little ones at home seem oddly keen to get them back to preschool now their other children are back in school!); other craft projects (surprise gift which is currently stalled due to needing more yarn, jumper for me, oh, and could I make some dolls' clothes for work?) 
This was from my scrap yarn & an adaptation of Nix Needles Striped Autumn Jumper which I have clearly worked without stripes 😁 but work have paid for yarn & patterns for other dolls' clothes.

Also, church meetings - I'm helping at our online Alpha course, I'm on the PCC (Parochial Church Council, like school governors but for churches) and our lovely vicar has got a wonderful new job to which she is very well suited and they are lucky to have her. But it means she has left our church, which means more meetings about getting a new vicar.

And the washing machine is no longer functioning. The motherboard has broken, & as the washing machine is 18 years old, the repair people can't get another motherboard. Luckily, I've been paying for a repair plan since we got the machine, so I'm covered for a new one which arrives on Tuesday. I've had 2 weeks of washing by hand, though my Baby Sister did wash & dry a towel load for me. The spin dryer has come out of hiding in the Cupboard of Doom, & is lurking on the landing outside the bathroom, & the trusty old nappy bucket has been pressed into service as a laundry bucket. I keep being all Marie Kondo and patting the old washing machine & thanking it for it's much appreciated service over the years.

Ooh, this was my Mothering Sunday treat! Tulips are from my Middle Sister, who very kindly got flowers for Baby Sister & me as well as our Mum. Truffles from Elder Son, & Younger Son got me a bar of Tony's Choco Lonely from the shop at college. But I'd eaten it before taking the photo.
Many crocuses open in the flower tub out the front, the daffodils are fancy multi headed ones so taking their time about opening.
Unlike the teeny tiny daffs in the pot out the back
or the big daffs on a bank near the recreation ground.


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