Peace at last

This is poor doggie, resting his head on my knee, after the living room was transformed into rock concert!  Younger Son should have had a live performance for the end of half term for his music course, but through the magic of technology, this was done as a livestream through YouTube. Unfortunately, I was at work at the time, then walking the dog quickly before zoom Bible study, so I waited till Younger Son got home and we watched it together.

Doggie did not appreciate the loud music from the stereo, or my trying to get him to use his upstairs bed (on the landing) and insisted on staying downstairs with us, looking sad.

Some of the people on Younger Son's course were at college with him last year, doing a level 2 music course, and are now doing the first year of the level 3 course. So by the time they finish in summer 2022, they'll have been together for 3 years. I could already see how much more confident some of them were since their first performance this time last year, and have warned Younger Son that, if we are lucky enough to be able to see live performances by then, I will be the parent crying as I'm overwhelmed by how much they've progressed.

Today, however, I'm the parent who got woken up at 2am by Younger Son with stage fright... 


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