I went to the library

I've been wanting to go to the library for a while. I'm lucky, our libraries opened in June. I got organised back then, gathered up the books I'd grabbed in March ("Here, have the work books back, what have you got that looks interesting for my family, right, I'm outta here!") & took them back so they could wait 7 2 hours before other people could have them. But back in June, you could ask the librarians to get you a few books based on your interests, as defined by what other books you'd had out. & I just really didn't want to do that. So I used the library app instead & actually started to listen to audio books as well as reading. 

But I needed to go to the library today. At work tomorrow, I've planned a fine motor skills activity to transform conkers into hedgehogs. The children draw a face (or not, that's their choice) onto the conker, then paint prickles onto it. & I want them to use pine needles instead of fine paintbrushes (which we don't actually have at work anyway) to add to the found natural objects theme. 

And the only place I could be sure of finding pine needles was the park next to the library, which has the extra benefit of a free car park. I got organised, I got in from work, got changed & got dog into the car, left him in the car park with the windows a little bit open, masked up, checked in with track & trace, demisted my glasses & found some books! Then dog & I walked around
& admired the scenery. 


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